Category Archives: Fun Things

Download the Month of Letters 2014 Participant stickers

2014 participant labelsWant to let your recipients know that you are playing along with the Month of Letters?Simply download the pdf file and print it on a sheet of sticker paper or use regular paper and a glue stick.

Just a reminder, these are NOT postage. Please do not put them on the front of the letter so that the letter carriers aren’t confused.

Download the PDF of the 2014 participant labels

Day 4 — Be a postal explorer

As we kick off the first full week of The Month of Letters, you have the simple task of sending six items in the mail, one each day.

If that seems easy, why don’t you kick it up a level and use the Challenge to get to know your neighborhood a little better. Using the mailbox map try to use other mailboxes than your usual. Who knows, you may find a new coffee shop or a shorter route to the dry cleaners while you are questing for a mailbox.

And if you succeed? Badges!  Earn the Explorer by reporting one trip to a new mailbox on the “What have you mailed” form.  The Adventurer is for the intrepid letter writer who visits four new mailboxes.

And as soon as I finish the design, there will be the Trekker, for the letter-writer who manages to go to twenty new mailboxes.

Download: Month of Letters explanation cards

lettermo business card Month of Letters participant K. Tempest Bradford suggested that having a little business card to explain what the Month of Letters Challenge was, would make it easier to explain to friends why they were getting a letter out of the blue. That was a great idea.

She also wrote the copy, so all I had to do was lay it out. You can download a .pdf with the business cards all ready for you to print and slip into your mail.

Download the lettermo business card pdf

Download the 2013 Month of Letters Calendar


As the New Year begins, it’s time to start thinking about the Month of Letters Challenge. To help you organize your thoughts, we have a calendar.

If you are looking for a way to organize your Month of Letters Challenge, we have a calendar for you.

2012 Participant Richelle had said,

“I printed up a calendar and am filling in the days with people I want to write! I have a big stash of stationary I am hoping I can finally use. I may have to break the rules and send more than one a day. So many people I want to write!”

That was a brilliant idea, so I made a calendar page that you can print out to help plan your letter writing. (By the way, it’s not breaking the rules to send more than one thing a day.)

Download the Month of Letters Planning Calendar 2013  as a pdf. Thanks for the suggestion, Richelle.


The Month of Letters Poster

Participant Anne Gray went into her local post office and mentioned our challenge. Not only were they tickled by it, they asked if there was a flyer they could post. Anne made one, which she is now offering to you.

You can use it to spread the word at your local post office, coffee shop, or stationery store.

Click here to download the Month of Letters Poster as a pdf.

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