Page with Dear Pen Pal in cursive, print and typeset

Cursive, Print or Typed? Why?

A Collaborative Blog Post

I have been told that my handwriting can be impossible to read, so I TRY to write legibly which means s-l-o-w-l-y. When I speed up and my thoughts to express are flying to fast for my hand to keep up, it gets messy. (I can still read it but, yeah, I get it!) Fountain pens help me to write pretty and also help slow me down, and if I have been told that it is hard to read my script, I will type. I wonder sometimes what a handwriting expert would say about my personality — I tend to lean left AND write and switch up my cursive with print, even in the same sentence.

Carrie H.

I prefer to write in cursive, cause it is faster for me. I like to read all kinds of different hand writings.


Hello I prefer cursive writing because it just feels more natural more connected to my pen pal. I love the feel of pen on paper. I have used my computer tho when I’m behind on writing and want to catch up or I have access to the computer and can ‘write’ several letters quickly. However I much prefer pen on paper …. different color pens and themed stationery when possible.


Want to submit for a collaborative blog post?

Tell us about the pen pal who is farthest away from you, geographically.

Due Feb. 8

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