Welcome to A Month Of Letters 2021

Hello Letter Moians!

It’s finally February 1 and Day 1 of A Month of Letters Challenge. We would not be here without the hard work of the dedicated volunteer Admin team so a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to them!

You can still sign up to participate but please be aware there are real live humans who review and approve each registration to keep spam bots out of the site.

We are aware there is an email glitch and some people are getting notifications while some are not.

  • If you have registered up and haven’t received approval within 36 hours, try to log in with the information you registered with. 
    • If you still have problems or need to reset your password, contact via contact form or DM on Facebook. Again, there are real humans trying to help so please be kind and patient.

If you have not yet done so, please log in and head to members only forums and the Introduction thread and say hello! It is also a good time to check your profile settings – new members should be accepting penpal requests and please indicate when you write: in February only (but mindful of the LetterMo pledge, see below) or year round.

A quick reminder of LetterMo etiquette and pledge:

  • Those who request a friend should write first
  • Reply to every letter you receive even if it takes you past February and beyond.

If you want to share your happy mail, please apply to join our private Facebook Group A Month of Letters Challenge 2021 (you will need your username to apply; real humans check this) and post your outgoing/incoming mail in the Daily Mail Call or if you are on social media, tag #LetterMo2021 on Twitter @LetterMonth or Instagram @MonthOfLetters. Please cover up addresses of sender/recipient to respect everyone’s privacy.

Happy Letter Writing and Have Fun!

Stay safe and kind out there!

LetterMo Postmaster

Here’s some fun from LetterMo member Christy!

🎶 Letters will go out, tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
there’ll be mail.
Just writing a friend, tomorrow,

with your own words, or words that you’ve borrowed, or share a tale.
When I’m stuck with a day, that’s gray and lonely
I just pick up a pen, write a friend and say:
The post’ll arrive, tomorrow
So just write back, day after tomorrow, to convey
You like mail
You make friends
You share things
and then send – your reply’s only a day away!

2 thoughts on “Welcome to A Month Of Letters 2021”

  1. If this had a like thumbs up button, id press it 10 times!! Happy Lettermo 2021 and im happy to check out the new posts intros graphics and the new “goings-on” here very soon. Thank you to the entire Admin Team for making it look so nice here! – Cookie #lettermo2021

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