Welcome to A Month of Letters aka LetterMo, the 2021 edition! Thanks for being interested and wanting to be part of the growing movement to revive the art of letter writing.
Wonder how this annual celebration of snail mail got started? Find out here or check out the FAQ if you have questions about how this works.
Sound fun? Want to join us? Sign up here. Some things to keep in mind:
- A more complete profile will help you find a better match
- Be patient with approvals – there are real humans who approve each application; don’t re-apply as it will make you look a spam account and get banned.
- When you receive your approval, LOG IN (next to the sign up button) and check out the member only FORUMS where you will find a START HERE post with guidelines
- Ensure you have a secure password.
Check in at your post office or online to order your stamps as well as find, order or make stationery and get ready for February 1!
We would not be here with out the vision of our founder and the hard work of our wonderful Admin team. There is a lot of behind the scenes work and they have volunteered their time to keep this program running and also those who have contributed their design skills.