That’s a wrap

A heartfelt thank you to all of our members for making LetterMo 2019 a major success.

Our admins will be around, approving new member requests weekly — or as more often is the case this time of year — deleting spam accounts. We’ll also be clearing out inactive, older accounts to reduce the likelihood of spamsters with nefarious intents from gaining access via those accounts.

If you’ve signed up recently, please make sure you drop a hello on our 2019 Introduction thread. On the Postmaster end, your modest interaction within the forum makes it very easy for us to see who is engaging with our community.

We are always excited to hear when folks found great matches who intend to continue their correspondences throughout the year. We would like to remind you that any letter you received during February should be answered, no matter how long the interval between receipt and reply might be. Snail mail people, by virtue of their hobby, are patient folks.

We also remind our members that some folks intended to commit to the LetterMo Challenge only — meaning only answering mail generated in February.

If your original February letter was answered, but you sent a follow up in March or April, you might have to be a bit more patient — like February 2020. We understand that this confusion might be disappointing to some folks.

LetterMo Postmasters consider letters gifts, so we are simply thankful for what we receive and encourage our members to celebrate whatever mailbox bounty they collected this year.

If you are hoping to find additional pen pals who are eager to write currently, check with the various resources shared within our 2019 Forum and/or Facebook group.

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