Welcome to February! The Month of Letters begins!

Let’s start easy, shall we? It’s Saturday and all you have to do is put one thing in the mail today.

You can write a long breathless letter to an old friend that you haven’t talked to in far too long, or just jot a quick note on a postcard. The key isn’t to dazzle with your wit — though feel free to do that if the mood strikes you — but to make a thought tangible. Whatever you put in the mail today represents the moment when you were thinking about a specific someone. Think of this a a month of sending 23 tiny gifts, and the gifts areย you.ย 

And to encourage you, we have badges. You don’t have to play for these, but if you enjoy side challenges, then you can log what you sent on our “What have you sent?” form.ย 

One caution — only fill out the form once per day.

Now, go mail something.

14 thoughts on “Welcome to February! The Month of Letters begins!”

  1. Please forgive the repeat, as I asked this (just now) on the achievements page (but it makes more sense, here…): Is there a place/will there be a place to see the photos of the letters we have sent? When I submitted my photo, this morning, of the first letter I posted, I had a little disagreement with the autocorrect feature on my phone (which I used to submit my photo), and I’d looove to be able to edit the caption for the photo (as I was corrected to an “it’s” when what I’d typed and wanted was an “its”– not a huge deal, I know, but one does like to use correct grammar now and then *wink*). So, I’m just curious if that is/will be available. Either way, thanks for the fun challenge, and getting this site together! I’m eager to enjoy this month of letters!

  2. My first day of A Month of Letters started out with a bit of frustration because we have construction (gas mains) going on right in front of my house, so I wasn’t able to get my mail out to the post office to be hand-cancelled. Oh well… Saturdays are always tricky anyway because of the narrow time window when the P.O. is open.

    But the post person showed up at my door and took my first two postcards! =smile=

  3. Hey Fiona!
    Glad to see you here! We will have to exchange letters this month! ๐Ÿ™‚ Mail doesn’t move in Canada on Saturdays… Drug stores or others with postal kiosks will sometimes take your mail but some don’t. I know I won’t be getting near one that does today, so I will have to send out Monday.. Planning on one letter, a postcard and a notecard for Mondays send out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. So I wrote a letter to my mum in England. My first letter of the month. Shame is that I can’t post it today because I need international stamps and the post office is shut. But Monday will do, I think. How do we record our progress?

  5. So far for me it is three letters I have written so far for this month. Hopefully by next Sunday evening I can write 20 more letters! Stay warm everybody!

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