The League of Extraordinary Penpals

League of Extraordinary PenpalsLooking for a fun kick to your Month of Letters Challenge? Check out the League of Extraordinary Penpals. This is a new superhero-themed penpal club with lots of extra features. They kick off their new newsletter on February 1st, just in time for the start of LetterMo, and are offering a special on their membership fees.

They have:
* monthly printables
* snail mail challenges
* mail swaps and letter swaps
* monthly giveaways
*superhero penpals
Up, up and a way!

7 thoughts on “The League of Extraordinary Penpals”

  1. I didn’t join… I think it’s too expensive. I know people put time and effort in it, but you gotta have a certain passion for it and not the urge to make money. All snail mailers are usually low on money. I mean they could at least offer a month for free to check what it looks like and then let people pay for it.

  2. i did, too. very excited for their first newsletter. between the LEP, the month of letters, a valentine swap i signed up for, and the elevated envelope, looks like february will be a busy mail month!

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