Letter Writers Alliance

The idea of getting back to letter writing is hardly new.  There are enthusiasts around the world and one of my favorites is the Letter Writers Alliance. I started corresponding with Donovan Beeson, one of the founders, during the Month of Letters Challenge last year and we kept going after February ended. When my husband and I moved to Chicago the following May, I realized that Donvan’s zip code was the same as our new one.

It turns out that she lives not six blocks from our new apartment.

The Letter Writers Alliance hosts Writing Socials in Chicago, Vancouver, and other places.

LWA-logoThe Letter Writers Alliance is a member based organization dedicated to keeping the art of letter writing alive started in the Summer of 2007 by Kathy Zadrozny and Donovan Beeson. With a combination of both online presence and in person gatherings we strive to give people the tools to maintain the art of letter writing.

With over 2,700 members worldwide, the member site is the biggest part of the Alliance. We offer free printable downloads, exclusive member products, and vintage postal items. The LWA has been included in the letter writing book, Good Mail Day and has been interviewed by the BBC regarding the importance of paper correspondence. At then end of the day, we are happy to see so many people enthusiastic about letter writing.

Check them out and think about becoming a member. They have a handy pen pal swap exchange.

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