Post Month of Letters blues

Now what? Yesterday, the Month of Letters Challenge ended. There are still letters flying to and fro which you’ll get today, tomorrow or next week. It’s nice to know that some of this letter writing has planted seeds and turned into actual correspondence.

Some people have asked me if they can keep doing this all year. Yes! Of course. There’s a neat challenge called 52 Weeks of Mail that challenges you to mail something once a week. After what you did in February, that ought to be a snap.

As for me, I plan to continue writing to people but at a more leisurely pace.  The habit has been formed.

It’s been fun this month.

Now…What I want really to know is: what do you want for next year?

I’m definitely planning on issuing the challenge again next February. So what is your wish list for the Month of Letters Challenge 2013?

3 thoughts on “Post Month of Letters blues”

  1. No comments? Is everyone in an exhausted heap? 😛

    I didn’t know what to do with myself last night, so I scanned a bunch of postcards for the next chapter of my project. I was really on a roll for the last week of the challenge, so I’m looking forward to sending out a couple of cards this weekend.

    Ideas for next year … perhaps setting new goals based on what people did this year – for instance, if you mailed at least 24 items this year, but missed days and caught up after the fact, go for every day. I also like the idea of mailing something everyday, even when the post office isn’t running. Perhaps choose a day in the middle of the month for a mailing blitz – getting people to mail 10 things on that day in particular (in addition to the 1-a-day the rest of the month). Just a few thoughts off the top of my head.

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