Download the Month of Letters Challenge Calendar

If you are looking for a way to organize your Month of Letters Challenge, we have a calendar for you.

Participant Richelle had said,

“I printed up a calendar and am filling in the days with people I want to write! I have a big stash of stationary I am hoping I can finally use. I may have to break the rules and send more than one a day. So many people I want to write!”

That was a brilliant idea, so I made a calendar page that you can print out to help plan your letter writing. (Oh, it’s not breaking the rules to send more than one thing a day.)

Download the Month of Letters Calendar for February, 2012 as a pdf. Thanks for the suggestion, Richelle.

7 thoughts on “Download the Month of Letters Challenge Calendar”

    1. I already use a calender to mark down when I mail letters and cards. Started it on Jan 1st.
      Helps me stay in touch and not neglect people like i have in the past.. I do this every month too.
      sandy lewis

  1. I’m using it not to plan out when I want to write to whom — following the whim of the moment is working better for me — but to keep track of everyone to whom I’ve written, with a brief description of what I wrote. Considering that I’ve written to two or more people on most days so far, it’s a pretty tightly-packed mess. I love it!

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